Friday 13 December 2019

instant pot reviews scam benefits

How much can I cook at the same time?
In general, you should not fill the Instant Pot® above the "MAX" line embossed on the siding. However, except for this restriction, there is no strict rule about how much you can cook at once.
There is a technique that allows you to place layers of delicious ribs, chicken pieces, corn cobs and the like.
To add a layer, be sure to place a square of foil between the layers. This prevents food in the layers from sticking together or creating "fun" looking cooking patterns.
My kitchen, an IP-DUO60v3, can only handle three large ears of corn in a single layer on the mat. Similarly, I can only have four chicken thighs in one layer. Hover the mouse, I cooked 9 ears of corn at once using a foil separator between layers and rotating the ears of corn between layers.

In the same way, I have cooked 12 drumsticks at the same time making three layers, each separated by a square of aluminum foil.
The surprising thing is that you don't have to add more water than 1 cup: cooking is done with steam and pressure, not with liquid volume.
In these two examples, all the corn cobs were cooked as if each had been cooked individually, and the piles of chicken thighs were falling from the bone!
As a separate comment, I finished them with the drumsticks by pouring them on the gas grill of my patio and spraying them with BBQ sauce while cooking. The interior was juicy and the exterior, properly "grilled".

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